

Core Support Portal

UI Design | UX Strategy | December 2020


The support portal is a core platform designed for backend teams such as nurses, coordinators, and call center staff. Users can find information about patient onboarding, analyze clinical results, view phone scripts, review past test records, track shipments, make phone calls, and monitor adherence rates.

The original support portal was not built with UX in mind instead, it seemed as though the UI was just thrown together as more needs would arise, creating a hodge-podge type environment. It was our goal to do a complete redesign to create a more user-centric interface that cut out inefficiencies and streamlined common actions. .


Working with the product owner, we talked to our internal nurse staff to understand what currently is the biggest pain point when using the current support portal. From our conversations, we were able to understand that the patient’s page was most often used day-to-day and currently was causing a lot of headaches due to lack of organization. It was our goal to understand the user flow of a nurse when doing patient-specific actions, such as making a call or sending a text to a patient, and how our interface could streamline those actions.

In addition to the patient page, we identified that tables were a common component used throughout the support portal and that currently the tables were not consistent and were challenging to use and find specific information in.

Patient Details Improvements

On the patient details page, we introduced a global patient details section, here important patient information is displayed so it is always easy to find and reference. We also introduced a floating action menu button that allowed the user to quickly access common actions. Using visual chunking and form best practices we designed the patient form information so it was easy to scan and find information quickly. Lastly, we also introduced a slide-in panel when a call is started, allowing the user to see call scripts while also being able to reference and navigate patient information while on a call.

Displaying Patient Data

Another improvement we made was displaying patient data, a feature that currently was not available. On this page, the user would be able to access all patient data we received from either the patient directly or from their physicians. Here we also explored ways to display trend data so that the user could see how patient responses change over time and easily identify patterns.